Trafalgar Luxury Group opened its branch in The Avenues Bahrain in 2019, where it provides its loyal customers the best in fine jewelry, watches and couture from several highly recognized and respected luxury brands; working with an unmatched reputation for professional ethics.
حول هذه الماركة Shop and experience prestigious and luxurious jewelry, watches, accessories, and so much more in Trafalgar’s Luxury Group Bahrain branch.
الأفنيوز، الوحدة 7 - بوابة 3
بناية 2758، طريق 4650
ساعات العمل
الأحد - الخميس: 10 صباحًا - 10 مساءً
الجمعة - السبت: 10 صباحًا - 12 منتصف الليل